
ChartCheck allows you to create customized documentation requirement lists, or ChartCheck Lists, to track and manage the status and deadlines for both consents and evaluations. And it’s flexible! You can configure different sets of requirements per program in a Kipu Single instance or per program and per location in a Kipu Master instance. Never miss a documentation requirement again!
Checklists, based on the patient’s location and/or program, can be viewed under the new ChartCheck section of the patient Chart Summary tab. Alternatively, requirements can be viewed across all patients in the Dashboard.
What you need to see, how you need to see it.
The searchable/sortable view includes the current status and due date for each document, including the status of any documents that haven’t even been created yet. Kipu will highlight in yellow any documents which are due within 48 hours; red will highlight any documents that are overdue; white, or no color, will indicate the document is completed or no current action is needed.
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